Have you ever sat in church and looked around at all the other people who are there, and wondered about their "story"? We all have a story. We all have the story of how we got to where we are in life, and I'm sure we all have something we wouldn't want anyone else to know about. We sit there wearing our masks, pretending we have it all together, when in reality we are probably all dealing with something - some issue or problem.
Wouldn't it be wonderful if we, the church, the body of Christ, individually and corporately, removed our masks - our mask of PERFECTION - and let each other see our imperfection. Only when we humble ourselves and become transparent will we be able to heal and truly become ministers to the saints, encouraging and building one another up for the good of the church. We are called 'the saints' but sadly we often times are far from saintly. Saintly is as saintly does!
Perhaps if we were more honest about our lives, and the struggles we face on a daily basis, our service to one another would be so very different, more relevant. Pews across the nation are filled with real people who are in pain and turmoil. Many have 'secret sin' that is eating them up inside but they're afraid to share their painful secret for fear of being judged and found wanting. We, the church, are not very good at giving each other permission to be sinners in need of grace.
We are after all only human and as such we make mistakes. In our struggle with temptation we often stumble and fall. Why is it that we expect punishment for others but we seek forgiveness for ourselves?
There are women in our midst who have experienced abortion in their lives. Many of them are suffering in silence, desperate for someone to talk to but too afraid to break their silence. They need the unconditional love of God to be shown to them in a tangible way so they can begin to heal.
To Christian women everywhere: Can we be the ones to take the lead and bring real change to our church family? Are we willing to be like Jesus and meet people where they are at in life? Dear Sisters in Christ let us remember these words:
"Let she who is without sin cast the first stone."
There are none of us perfect, we all like sheep have gone astray.
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